
Check back on this page often for updates on club activities and rides. We will post here periodically, however also be sure to check out some of the articles our club members have written for publications such as Toyota Trails or 4wd Toyota Owner Magazine!

Coalmont OHV Park Update

December 7, 2019

In 2011 the City of Coalmont, Tennessee applied for a Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant to purchase property for an off-highway vehicle (OHV) park. In June 2017 the city purchased 1,347 acres of property for this purpose. In November 2018 the city was awarded an RTP grant for construction of the OHV area, plans were drafted, and on November 5, 2019 the State of Tennessee approved the plans and authorized the city to start construction.

This is the first time a Tennessee local government has applied for and received RTP funds to build an OHV area. This land is deeded for outdoor recreation and when the park is completed will be for use by all motorized OHVs.

The RTP grant is an 80%/20% cost-share grant. Part of the cost share will be provided by in kind labor by volunteers from the OHV community with STLCA as the organizing club for workdays and tracking man-hours contributed. We will need many volunteers to help with trail head construction, building primitive camping sites and trails. We will be posting work weekends and will be asking for volunteers, some with specific skills and some for general labor. We will post workdays on this site and on the Coalmont OHV Park Facebook page. Please be sure to follow us on Facebook and share with your friends!

The construction grant will not pay for anything camping related or for a pavilion, so STLCA is donating the materials for a 40 x 80 foot pavilion that will be erected by volunteers and will be helping with RV hook ups.

Here’s a picture of a recent workday clearing trees. Make sure to check back here and on the Facebook page for announcements for additional upcoming work days!

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